[가천대 불평등과 사회정책 연구소] 박사후연구원 모집: 2019.5.20(월)까지

2019-04-24 11:00
가천대학교 불평등과 사회정책 연구소에서 박사후연구원을 모집합니다. 지원 마감은 2019. 5. 20(월)이며 상세 내용은 아래 공고문에 기재되어 있습니다.  관련 문의는 가천대 사회정책대학원 유종성 교수님 이메일(youjs0721@gachon.ac.kr)로 직접 드려 주시면 감사 드리겠습니다.


The KSPS-supported Korea Inequality Research Laboratory at Gachon University

Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Study of Inequality & Social Policy in Korea

July 2019-June 2021 (two calendar years), with a possible extension through November 2023

The KSPS-Gachon Korea Inequality Research Lab invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in the study of inequality and social policy in Korea in comparative perspective. This is a full‐time, temporary appointment to begin July 1, 2019. The fellowship period is two years (through June 30, 2021), but it can be extended until November 2023 if the fellow’s book project is promising. If the fellow takes up a permanent academic position during the fellowship period and continues to work on a book project, s/he can participate in the lab as a co-researcher.

The fellowship is open to scholars from all fields of social science who conducts research on the measurements, causes, consequences, or remedies (social policy) of inequality with a regional focus on Korea. The purpose of the fellowship is to enable the continuation of research and publication, with an emphasis of publication of a monograph which could be developed from the fellow’s dissertation. The fellow will be allowed to have a double affiliation if suitable arrangements can be made.


At a minimum, the applicant should hold a Ph.D. before commencing the fellowship. Desirable qualifications include the ability to speak, read, and write in English and Korean with a professional working proficiency.


The selected fellow will receive a monthly stipend of KRW 3,500,000 with a slight annual pay raise and with employer contributions for four social insurances and retirement grant.

Application Procedure

Applicants must submit the following to ispi.kr@gmail.com with the subject line to read “Postdoc_applicant name”:

1). Cover letter to the Search Committee indicating interest in the position (not more than two pages, single spaced).

2). Curriculum vitae.

3). Dissertation abstract.

4). Research statement. Please include the research that would be accomplished during the two to 4.5 years of fellowship, preferably including a book project (not more than two pages, single spaced).

5). Writing sample. A chapter of the dissertation or a journal article (not necessarily published; “under review” is fine), not more than 40 pages.

6). Two letters of recommendation. The applicant must request that the letter writers (or the dossier service) email the recommendation letters directly to ispi.kr@gmail.com.

7). High‐quality copies or scans of transcripts showing degrees and coursework.

The closing date for applications is May 20, 2019.

Inquiries may be directed to the Search Committee chair, Professor Jong-sung You, at youjs0721@gachon.ac.kr.


About the The KSPS-Gachon Korea Inequality Research Lab (KIRL):

The KSPS-Gachon Korea Inequality Research Lab (KIRL) was initially launched in December 2018, with a generous five-year grant (December 10, 2018-December 09, 2023) from the Korean Studies Promotion Service at the Academy of Korean Studies. The lab is committed to developing new theories and empirical findings on the causes and consequences of inequality and proposing alternative social policies.

For this purpose, the lab promotes collaborative research among 15 top-level domestic and international scholars.

The projects in the lab address four aspects of economic inequality: measurement, causes, consequences and remedies. First, the lab will supplement existing measures of income and wealth inequality, particularly by developing the Distributional National Accounts which combine existing measures of inequality and National Accounts. Secondly, the lab will examine how changes in economic conditions, which often accompany the transformation of labor markets, political institutions and policy choices and the welfare state regime, have affected economic inequality in Korea. Third, the lab explores the political and social consequences of deepening economic inequality in terms of political preferences and behavior of the public. Finally, the lab explores alternative social policies to reduce inequality through the welfare and tax system.

During the five-year research period and an additional three-year period for publication, the lab plans to publish ten monographs with major academic presses and 38 articles in SSCI-indexed journals.

This fellowship is funded by a Laboratory Program for Korean Studies grant from the Korean Studies Promotion Service of the Academy of Korean Studies. The purpose of the Laboratory Program is to strengthen global competitiveness of Korean Studies by drawing Korean Studies research outcomes through world-class domestic and international Korean Studies researchers. The information about the Laboratory Program on Korean Studies is available at http://ksps.aks.ac.kr/hpjsp/hmpeng/bizguide/bizsbjtlist.jsp?bizCd=LAB.
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