[제6세션] 가족과 인구
2022-07-14 13:59
"Periodical and Spatial Inequality in Homeownership: Whether Homeownership Can Be Alternative Welfare"
김소정 (연세대학교)
"Coresidence with Parents in South Korea, 1998-2020: Demographic and Ideational Changes"
계봉오 (국민대학교)
"Is Family a Unit of Social Stratification? The Formation of a Family's Status Identification"
신희연 · 김창환 (University of Kansas)
"Has an Era of Father Absence Gone? The Rise of a Dual Fatherhood Model and its Settlement in Stepfamilies"
채영진 (Rutgers University)
사회: 김영미 (연세대학교)
♣ 첨부된 모든 발표자료의 저작권은 저자에게 있습니다.
김소정 (연세대학교)
"Coresidence with Parents in South Korea, 1998-2020: Demographic and Ideational Changes"
계봉오 (국민대학교)
"Is Family a Unit of Social Stratification? The Formation of a Family's Status Identification"
신희연 · 김창환 (University of Kansas)
"Has an Era of Father Absence Gone? The Rise of a Dual Fatherhood Model and its Settlement in Stepfamilies"
채영진 (Rutgers University)
사회: 김영미 (연세대학교)
♣ 첨부된 모든 발표자료의 저작권은 저자에게 있습니다.