[세션 2] 교육
2024-08-01 13:29
"Education expansion and trends in education wealth gap in South Korea: (Un)changing returns to tertiary education"
김현진 (펜실베이니아대)
"Gender Disparities in Vocational Education: Implication for the Korean High School Credit System"
윤예린 (보스턴대)
"How Neighborhoods Matter for Academic Performance: Causal Mediation Analysis on the Role of Private Supplementary Education as Neighborhood Characteristics"
정승연 (연세대)
♣ 첨부된 모든 발표자료의 저작권은 저자에게 있습니다.
김현진 (펜실베이니아대)
"Gender Disparities in Vocational Education: Implication for the Korean High School Credit System"
윤예린 (보스턴대)
"How Neighborhoods Matter for Academic Performance: Causal Mediation Analysis on the Role of Private Supplementary Education as Neighborhood Characteristics"
정승연 (연세대)
♣ 첨부된 모든 발표자료의 저작권은 저자에게 있습니다.