[International Conference on Sociology of Korea: 10.7~8] Call for Submissions

2022-05-28 18:17

2022년 10월 7~8일 개최되는 International Conference on Sociology of Korea (I-CSK)에서 발표 논문을 모집합니다. 보다 상세한 내용은 다음과 첨부 포스터에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.


- 다    음 -

Call for Submissions

International Conference on Sociology of Korea (I-CSK)


October 7 – 8, 2022

University of Pennsylvania 

The James Joo-Jin Kim Center for Korean Studies at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) is pleased to host the International Conference on Sociology of Korea (I-CSK), October 7 – 8, 2022 on the Penn campus. The inaugural conference will provide a venue for scholars across the globe to come together to share their on-going projects on Korea/Koreans and Korean diaspora and develop academic networks. For this conference, the program committee is soliciting papers that address various aspects of Korea/Koreans including aging & health, family, gender & sexualities, migration, and stratification & inequality. The committee also welcomes papers that examine other important issues of Korea/Koreans. 

  1.  Aging & Life Course (organizer: Dr. Jaein Lee)
  2.  Family & Children (organizer: Dr. Sojung Lim)
  3.  Gender & Sexualities (organizer: Dr. Hyeyoung Woo)
  4.  Migration & Immigration (organizer: Dr. Minjeong Kim)
  5.  Stratification & Inequality (organizer: Dr. ChangHwan Kim)
  6.  Other topics (organizer: Dr. Jung In)

Scholars across the world, especially junior scholars and graduate students, are strongly encouraged to submit either a full-length paper (up to 10,000 words including text, notes, and references) or an extended abstract (up to 4 single-space pages with references, excluding tables and figures) to be considered for presentation at the conference. The full-length paper or extended abstract submission can be made here (https://tinyurl.com/I-CSK2022) and is due by 11:00 pm US Eastern Daylight Time, July 10. A short abstract (up to 200 words) is also required for all submissions. In the submission site, you can indicate a session for which your paper should be considered.

The conference will begin in the evening of October 6 (Thursday) with reception and plenary talk (a keynote speaker will be announced soon), and the conference dinner will take place in the evening of October 7 (Friday). Both the reception and the conference dinner as well as coffee/snack throughout the conference will be provided with generous support from the James Joo-Jin Kim Center for Korean Studies. There is no conference registration fee but registration is required for all presenters and attendees. We expect the conference to be held principally as an in-person event with the possibility to accommodate a very limited number of remote presentations if needed.

Tentative Schedule

June 1: Call for papers/extended abstracts opens

July 10: Call for paper/extended abstracts closes

July 17: Acceptance notified

July 17 – August 15: Conference registration

August 1: Student paper award submission deadline (more information on the student paper

                 award will be announced soon).

August 8: Student paper award notified

Please feel free to ask any questions about the conference by emailing to the conference organizers (ICSKatPenn@gmail.com).

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