Total 8
Number Title Author Date Votes Views
Day 2 Session 4: Gender Inequality
KIRN | 2017.10.14 | Votes 1 | Views 2426
KIRN 2017.10.14 1 2426
Day 2 Session 3: Education and Social Inequality [Korea-Japan Coordinated Session]
KIRN | 2017.10.14 | Votes 1 | Views 2371
KIRN 2017.10.14 1 2371
Day 2 Session 2: Inequality in Adulthood
KIRN | 2017.10.14 | Votes 2 | Views 2115
KIRN 2017.10.14 2 2115
Day 2 Session 1: The Organizational Process of School, Company, and Inequality
KIRN | 2017.10.14 | Votes 1 | Views 1773
KIRN 2017.10.14 1 1773
Day 1 Session 3: Polarization, Social Conflict and Social Movement
KIRN | 2017.10.14 | Votes 1 | Views 1697
KIRN 2017.10.14 1 1697
Day 1 Session 2: Health Inequality Data
KIRN | 2017.10.14 | Votes 1 | Views 1734
KIRN 2017.10.14 1 1734
Day 1 Session 1: Social Mobility and Labor Market Inequality
KIRN | 2017.10.14 | Votes 1 | Views 1676
KIRN 2017.10.14 1 1676
2017 5th Symposium Program
KIRN | 2017.10.14 | Votes 1 | Views 1654
KIRN 2017.10.14 1 1654