Qualitative Longitudinal Analysis of the Family and Education System in Korea (2016-2019)

Colloquium in Mar. 2018 Cho, Eunjoo (Professor, Myongji Univ.) This research is part of a qualitative longitudinal study conducted since 2016, as to analyze how parents’ socio-economic status and residential characteristics can influence children’s possibility of social mobility. Based on in-depth interviews and participant observations with 15 students in a Read more…

Women Trapped in a Glass Ceiling

The Glass Ceiling in the Korean Public Service Lee, Joo-Hee, Young-Hee Han, Hyun-Jung Sung, and Jung In. 2007. Journal of Korean Women’s Studies 23(3): 79-115. This study investigates barriers that delay and/or hinder equitable promotion of women public servants in Korean central and local governments, based on in-depth interviews with Read more…

KIRN · KAMOS Joint Conference

Colloquium in Feb. 2018 KAMOS (Korean Academic Multimode Open Survey for Social Science), which has been conducted three times a year since 2016 with a financial support of National Research Foundation of Korea, and researches using its data were discussed in this conference. First, Professor Sun-Jae Hwang (Chungnam National Univ.) Read more…