Women Trapped in a Glass Ceiling

The Glass Ceiling in the Korean Public Service Lee, Joo-Hee, Young-Hee Han, Hyun-Jung Sung, and Jung In. 2007. Journal of Korean Women’s Studies 23(3): 79-115. This study investigates barriers that delay and/or hinder equitable promotion of women public servants in Korean central and local governments, based on in-depth interviews with Read more…

KIRN · KAMOS Joint Conference

Colloquium in Feb. 2018 KAMOS (Korean Academic Multimode Open Survey for Social Science), which has been conducted three times a year since 2016 with a financial support of National Research Foundation of Korea, and researches using its data were discussed in this conference. First, Professor Sun-Jae Hwang (Chungnam National Univ.) Read more…

How Are Lives of Korean Youth Stratified?

Unequal Pathways to Adulthood: Inequality in Labor Market and Family Formation Opportunities of Young Adults in Korea Kim, Young-mi. 2016. Social Science Review 47(2): 27-52. Equality in opportunity in the early adulthood in terms of labor market chances and family formation is crucial as it pertains to the equality of long-term Read more…

Birth Rate Crisis and Working Mothers

Policy Alternatives for Improving Labor Rights of Women: A Holistic Response to Wollstonecraft Dilemma Journal of Korean Women’s Studies. Lee Joo-Hee (2012) This article reviews employment policies for women since Asian financial crisis of 1997 through the lens of the ‘Wollstonecraft dilemma’. Almost all governments since the financial crisis in Read more…