Past colloquium
How Does America’s Culture of Overwork Impact Women and Men in the Workplace?
Colloquium in Jun. 2017 Cha, Youngjoo (Professor, Department of Sociology at Indiana Univ., Bloomington, U.S.)
Colloquium in Jun. 2017 Cha, Youngjoo (Professor, Department of Sociology at Indiana Univ., Bloomington, U.S.)
Colloquium in Mar. 2017 Lee, Sungkyun (Professor, Department of Sociology at Univ. of Ulsan, South Korea) Based on the unemployment insurance database of Korea Employment Information Service, this research analyzes how unemployment insurance maternity protection system affects women workers’ employment retention.
Colloquium in Feb. 2017 Gendered Bodies at Service Work: Studies on the Luxury Hotel Staff Members’ Aesthetic Labor Shim, Seonhui (PhD, Interdisciplinary Program in Gender Studies at Seoul National Univ., South Korea) Through the qualitative studies, this research analyzes women service workers’ gendered labor. Genderizing Labor: Case Studies on Read more…