The gendered impact of parenthood on job-related training participation in Germany and the United Kingdom

Colloquium in October 2024 Misun Lim (Postdoctoral research fellow at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center and University of Siegen, Germany) Recent studies highlight the role of parenthood in perpetuating persistent gender inequality in the labour market. We examine whether the transition to parenthood influences job-related training participation. This study Read more…

Work-Family Balance Policies and​ Inequality in the Women’s​ Labor Market in Korea

Colloquium in Sept. 2018 Yoon, Jayoung (Professor, Dept. of Economics at Chungnam National Univ.) This  study  analyzes how women workers’ status in the labor market is associated with their access to childbirth and childcare leave, based on Korean Labor and Income Panel Study data. According to the analysis, the lower women workers’ income level, the less likely Read more…