Beyond the ‘Manager-helper’ Dynamic: Rethinking How Couples Share Household Management Responsibilities

Colloquium in September 2024 Youngcho Lee(Pusan National University, Department of Sociology) Previous studies on the gendered division of household labor and responsibilities have characterized mothers as the household managers primarily responsible for mental labor and fathers as ‘helping out’ with physical tasks when asked or given directions. While such a Read more…

Yonsei-UPenn Joint Graduate Students Workshop

Yonsei-UPenn Joint Graduate Students Workshop was held at Yonsei University on June 7th, 2019. On the topics of family, welfare, and education, the total six studies were presented by graduate students from Yonsei University, Seoul National University, and University of Pennsylvania. The presentations were followed by the workshop participants’ questions and Read more…

Qualitative Longitudinal Analysis of the Family and Education System in Korea (2016-2019)

Colloquium in Mar. 2018 Cho, Eunjoo (Professor, Myongji Univ.) This research is part of a qualitative longitudinal study conducted since 2016, as to analyze how parents’ socio-economic status and residential characteristics can influence children’s possibility of social mobility. Based on in-depth interviews and participant observations with 15 students in a Read more…

How Are Lives of Korean Youth Stratified?

Unequal Pathways to Adulthood: Inequality in Labor Market and Family Formation Opportunities of Young Adults in Korea Kim, Young-mi. 2016. Social Science Review 47(2): 27-52. Equality in opportunity in the early adulthood in terms of labor market chances and family formation is crucial as it pertains to the equality of long-term Read more…