‘연세-유펜 대학원생 합동 세미나’가 2019.6.7(금) 연세대 신촌캠퍼스 연희관 201호에서 열렸습니다. 가족, 복지, 교육 등을 주제로 연세대, 서울대, 미국 펜실베이니아대 대학원생들이 총 여섯 편의 연구결과를 발표하고, 이에 관해 질의응답과 토론을 하는 시간을 가졌습니다. 상세 내용은 다음 프로그램을 참조해주시기 바랍니다. 아래는 현장 사진입니다.

-다    음-

[Yonsei-UPenn Joint Graduate Students Workshop]

Date: 7 June 2019
Venue: 201 Yeonhi Hall, Yonsei University

Organized & Supported by:
Department of Sociology BK 21 Plus Program, Yonsei University
Institute for Social Development Studies, Yonsei University
Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

10:00 Opening remarks – Young Mi Kim (Yonsei University)

10: 10 Session 1

[1] “Educational Patterns of Remarriages in South Korea: Are
Remarriages More or Less Homogamous than First Marriages?”
Sangsoo Lee (University of Pennsylvania)

[2] “Varieties of Gender Role Attitudes in East Asia”
Noeul Kim, Chae Yoon Chang, Minji Yoon, Chan-ung Park (Yonsei Univeristy)


11: 20 Break

11: 30 Session 2

[3] “Converging Educational Differences in Parents’ Time Use in
Developmental Child Care”
Yun Cha (University of Pennsylvania)

[4] “Varieties of Welfare Attitudes: A Comparative Analysis of Nordic and East Asian Countries”
Chang-ung Park, Fu Yuan Liu (Yonsei University)


12:40 Lunch

2:00 Session 3

[5] “Purchasing a Myth: The Financial Consequences of the Model Minority Stereotype for Asian American Youth”
Kennan Cepa (University of Pennsylvania)

[6] “Rising Inequality in Academic Performance in the Midst of Educational Reform in Korea: Changing Distributions of Test Scores in PISA 2000 and 2015”
Youngshin Lim (Seoul National University)


3:10 Final remarks – Hyunjoon Park (University of Pennsylvania)

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